White Gold from ICOC in Lake Forest CA. www.kushits.wordpress.com

Posted: February 21, 2011 in I.C.O.C.
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Co2 extracted



White Gold
It’s full melt, meaning no plant matter exists in this product.
It’s different from amber glass in 2 ways; color and texture.
It’s pure white and has absolutely no moisture left in it what so ever.
Dry, light colored hash and/or concentrate
a good sign of purity;
All hash , any method of the extraction,
retain  characteristics from the strain
of marijuana made from, these characteristics are… SMELL, TASTE, EFFECTS.

White gold smells minty, peppery, sour and earthy with a deep in your face vanilla’ish scent to it. Wow the taste is amazing. Extra expansive inside the lung.
A big hit is ten times bigger then it feels. Prepare to cough.
The effects are heavy duty . I only need one flake on top of a small bong hit of the mars og to feel an hour or two of severe relief from pain.

Conclusion: White gold is
high grade, easy to work with, well dried, well cured
and it’s an extremely potent medical marijuana concentrate.


  1. michael says:

    FUCK YA..go hash

  2. jackie says:

    How can i make this!!!

    • master says:

      You cant you have to buy it from us. Lol just kidding you just need the highest quality plants to start with but that’s the hard part. making it’s simple… oh and you need oxygen too.

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